Omnifocus Mac

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And with OmniFocus 3 now bringing some really new workflow options to the Mac, there's never been a better time than now. Let the creative destruction begin. Allen Pike runs Steamclock Software, a design and development studio focused on making great mobile apps. 用到的工具:Omnifocus(如果有Mac或Ipad会好些,iPhone里回顾功能较弱) 1) 周回顾(每周六) 清空收件箱(Omnifocus、Evernote、笔记本)、收藏夹(foxmail、微博、Chrome) 查看日历(拟定下周日程) 查看本周做的笔记(想法、记录等) 查看Omnifocus所有的任务清单及. Things is the award-winning personal task manager that helps you achieve your goals. This all-new version has been rethought from the ground up: it's got an all-new design, delightful new interactions, and powerful new features. Dec 01, 2020 OmniFocus price: OmniFocus for Mac starts at $39.99 after a 14-day trial. The Pro version, which allows you to customize the sidebar with your own views among other features, costs $79.00. The iPhone and iPad version starts at $39.99, and also offers a 14-day free trial. 最重要的是,CEO说了:除OmniFocus外,其他3款主打产品还没有iPhone版,接下来的目标就是开发他们的iPhone版,按他们惯例的开发进度,估计需要1-2年。 那为什么OmniGroup不像现在流行的互联网公司一样,招更多人扩产品线呢?.

About Omni Sync Server

The Omni Group (that's us!) is happy to provide a free-forever service to sync OmniFocus. It's the easiest way to get started with OmniFocus for Mac, iPad, and iPhone, and it's fast, stable, and secure. You can create an account at the Omni Sync Server website.


Setting up sync on OmniFocus 2 for Mac

Navicat premium essentials 12 1 1970. Getting started on the Mac is really easy. It's important to choose the right first step, though, because OmniFocus isn't able to merge two distinct databases. If you don't already have a database stored on a server somewhere, you can set this up whenever.

Create an account, and then choose Synchronization from Preferences in the OmniFocus menu. Select Omni Sync Server, and then enter the account name that you just created. Once your password has been entered, you're done!

Mail Drop

One of the more exciting features you'll get—Mail Drop. Mail Drop is really simple, but can be used to get a lot of different information into the Inbox. Each address is unique—they could be given to people you trust so they too can add items to your Inbox. (Imagine giving your business partner an address so they can quietly add another thing to your plate. If that doesn't prove worthwhile, you can delete that specific address without needing to replace it elsewhere.)

And check out our page on IFTTT for more on all the helpful and wild stuff that can be done with a Mail Drop address and an imagination.

OmniFocus 3 adds power and flexibility — while also making it easier to get started and easier to work the way you want to work.

Omnifocus 2 For Mac

We've replaced contexts with tags, made scheduling and notifications more flexible, updated the design, added automation and collaboration features — and even created a web app, since not everybody always has their Mac, iPhone, or iPad available.

In future posts we'll go into more details with each of these — but, for now, we'll quickly highlight a few upcoming features. Note that not all of the below will appear in the initial 3.0 release (though tags will).


We've replaced contexts with tags. Tasks and projects can have multiple tags instead of just a single context.

Consider the case where you want to talk to Alice at work when your energy level is high. (Since Alice imparts a lot of useful information quickly!) Instead of applying a #work context to that action, you would tag it with #work, #Alice, and #high-energy.

You'll be able to view every task and project with a specific tag, re-order items within that list, and sync that order across devices. You'll also be able to create custom perspectives that show this tag or that tag, or this tag and another tag but not this other tag.

Like contexts, tags can be nested: you might have a #people tag with #Alice and #Joe as child tags. Tags do everything contexts do — and more. And they're a thing people are used to. Even the Finder has tags these days!


While the Mac version has always had strong AppleScript support, we know our users need something powerful that works on Macs and on iOS.

To that end we're adding JavaScript support — the same Omni Automation system that already appears in OmniGraffle and OmniOutliner — that will allow you to write scripts that work on both Macs and iOS and across Omni apps.

You'll be able to create reports, run powerful filters, create projects and tasks based on templates, and plenty more. You'll be able to do things we haven't even thought of — which is the point of automation.


With OmniFocus's new collaboration features, I could send you a task with all its data, and you could accept, which links this task across our databases.

While the task is linked, both of us will see updates to that task, including status updates. One of us may add sub-tasks, and one of us might not. One of us might move it to a different project. The task remains linked.

This lets you keep using OmniFocus for your personal task management, while still allowing for flexibility and for the sharing that you need.

OmniFocus for the Web

We've heard from plenty of people that they're in front of a Windows machine at work — or that they, for whatever reason, sometimes have access to a browser but not to OmniFocus.

OmniFocus for the web will allow people to view their projects and tasks, edit them, complete them, and make new ones. It will be simplified compared to the Mac or iOS app — it won't include custom perspectives and similar features. But we believe it will handle most of what people need when they're away from their Mac or iOS device.

Omnifocus Pro Mac


The above is light on detail and skips a number of important features, but we promise to write more posts to fill you in on everything. And there will be delicious screenshots. :)

But, for now, you can read the second half of the Omni Roadmap 2018 blog post, where it concentrates on OmniFocus 3, and you can listen to Ken Case talk about OmniFocus 3 on The Omni Show.

Omnifocus 4

Istatistica 4 4. You're also welcome to ask questions via Slack, Twitter,, the forums, or by contacting support.

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